K la...AKu actually nak crita kat korang pasal mini projek grup aku... Sem ni kitorang amik subjek TBK 2013 (Biochemistry and Microbiology). So, kitorang dak2 Bio akan ada mini projek tiap2 ujung sem... Utk sem ni kitorang buat projek microbe... Biak bakteria...??? Pcaya x?? huhu...pcaya la...
Xnak cite panjang2...just nk sekali imbas jek ek...
Ni aku tunjukkan fakta pasal experiment kitorang...lpas tu korang leh tgk gambr2 yang aku upload. knal2 la ngan aku punya grup member...huhu...sambil tu, knal2 la jgak dengan bakteria tandas kitorang...ngeh3..
Why harpic is the best among the rest?
It contains:
• Aqua • Hydrochloric Acid • PEG-2 Hydrogenated Tallow Ammonium Chloride • Tallowtrimonium Chloride • Isopropyl Alcohol • Laureth-10 • Aqueous Solution Of Polymer • 2-Propanol • Sodium Chloride • Parfum • Colorant
Sodium Chloride (salt)
• Harpic contains sodium chloride • When the outside environment around a cell is salty, then the concentration of water in the solution is less than inside the cell and water tends to leave the cell. • This causes the cell to dehydrate, which eventually kills the cell. • Besides, NaCl is a conversion from Sodium Hypoclorite (NaClO) • It attacks essential bacterial protein • Many of the proteins that hypochlorite attacks are essential for bacterial growth, so inactivating those proteins likely kills the bacteria
PEG-2 hydrogenated tallow ammonium chloride, tallowtrimonium chloride and laureth-10
• Are a surfactant • Surfactants lower the surface tension of water, essentially making it 'wetter' so that it is less likely to stick to itself and more likely to interact with lipid • This allows product to spread over the surface rather than form droplets
2-Propanol and Isopropyl Alcohol
• Essentially acts to dissolve parts of the bacterial membrane which makes the cell leak, thus killing the cell. • It also interacts with certain proteins and disrupts their function.
Aqueous Solution of A Polymer
• For example, hexyl-PVP • The polymer kills bacteria by a powerful chemical-electrical action • It is a polymer with permanent positive charge. This positive charge destroys the bacteria cell walls and membranes
So? Ape pndapat korang? kitorang punya experiment menunjukkan HARPIC paling berkesan dalam menghapuskan bacteria tandas. Buat la pilihan yang bijak. Anda sebagai pengguna mempunyai hak untuk memilih ape yang terbaik untuk diri dan keluarga. (^_^)
hope Korang EnjOy la ek tgk pict yg aku uploadkn nih...(^_-)
Nk Perkenalkan korang dengan Grup member aku...Toilet Bestfriend!!! huhuhu
~~~Mun Keletihan~~~
~~~Yap n Lina tgh prepare agar (main2 jek actually-action lbih huhu)~~~
~~~My Toilet Bestfriend Group (^_^)~~~
~~~Mun, Yap, Fifa and Lina.Ain xdek dlm ni. Cuti bersalin (ups...gurau jek..huhu)~~~
~~~ceceCeh...Tgh lakukan ProseS GraM sTaiNinG~~~
kitorang punya second project...tp xjadik (T_T)...Sume Tension...
~~~prepare agar pH: nk kaji bakteria dlm air botol pd keadaan pH yg berbeza~~~
~~~byk sgt prob,En Faizi plak hangin, so projek ni pon terbengkalai..huhu~~~
Ni projek KitoranG yG Ke-3...tApi SuccEsS...Gud JoB to All Group MemBerS
~~~bakteria tandas yang kitorang culture~~~

~~~HARPIC 7.9cm~~~

~~~ZIP 4.9cm~~~

~~~DUCK 3.0cm~~~


~~~CLOROX 1.7cm~~~

~~~AJAX 1.5cm~~~
I want not agree on it. I think warm-hearted post. Specially the appellation attracted me to read the whole story.
Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
Well I assent to but I think the collection should acquire more info then it has.
ada yg komen mengarut2 plak...neway, thanks to people who appreciate our work...^_^
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